Who We Are

Who We Are

Thank you for your interest in Grace Christian Fellowship. To help you understand who we are and for clarity among ourselves, we have endeavored to express in a simple manner our basic beliefs and practices. This is by no means conclusive, but we hope it can be of some help in answering questions you may have. Feel free to speak with any of our members for additional clarity.

We are an independent, Bible-centered, fundamental Christian church. We are loosely affiliated with a number of similar churches scattered throughout the U.S. with whom we send out and support workers in foreign mission fields.

It is our desire to establish and preserve a safe haven for God’s people and their families, providing an environment conducive to the raising of children into Godly adults. Toward that end, in addition to our basic beliefs, we have adopted specific practices. Our beliefs are based on the irrefutable Word of God and are supported by clear scripture. Our practices are our personal applications of those beliefs. While we do not mean to imply that those who disagree with us in practice are not Christians, we do ask that those who choose to fellowship with us, for the sake of unity and a common vision, would be in agreement (in support of) in both beliefs and practices.

For more details, you are welcome to view our Statement of Faith and Practice.